Thoughtful female freelancer watching laptop in light room at home and navigating job search

11 Tips for Navigating Your Job Search During COVID-19

Being jobless or looking for a new job during COVID is scary. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you can’t predict when you’re going to land on your feet.

Navigating your job search period during an unstable period of time isn’t easy.

But that doesn’t mean you give up!

Push your worries to the back of your mind as best as you can and use the unknown as fuel to help you charge forward and get yourself a job. 

Here are 11 tips to help you navigate your job search during COVID:  

Brush up on your skills during your job search

Take advantage of the free time you have and refresh your skills. Here are some ideas: 

  • Take online classes to brush on skills you haven’t practiced in a while!
  • Take free Coursera classes
  • Take free Excel classes
  • If you have the resources to do so, get certified in something relevant to your career! 

Build up your resume

This one’s obvious, but make sure your resume is up to date. Add in any recent jobs and new skills. If you’re struggling with final edits, try using Upwork to find someone to help you!  

Identify your transferable skills

This is really important in looking for a new job, especially in a saturated job market. Be able to identify what skills you can bring to the table and how your skills make you unique. Know what skills you have that can be applied to other jobs.

Expand your net by applying to jobs that you might not have otherwise applied to. If you can identify and display your transferable skills, you might have a chance in getting an interview! 

[RELATED: How to Succeed in Switching Careers

Network with others via LinkedIn and Resource Groups

With COVID, having coffee chats and networking in person isn’t feasible. But that isn’t the only way you can network!

Join relevant groups that interest you on LinkedIn, and find ways to connect with others virtually. Connect with people in fields that interest you, and engage in their posts by commenting and liking. If a post really interests you, message the author and reach out.

You never know what can happen, a conversation might open a door for you! 

Navigate your job search by tapping into your personal network

Don’t forget about your current network. Ask your friends, coworkers, old bosses or mentors if they know of any companies or opportunities that would be relevant with your background.

Don’t be shy and reach out to friends of friends as well, if you know they’re looking! Get connected in anyway you can to try and get the inside scoop. 

Take part-time work opportunities

If you’re struggling finding a full time job but need to make money, take part time work in the meantime. If you are able to find relevant opportunities, you can also boost your skills and resume at the same time!  

Find contract work

During this uncertain period of time, you might have to take a step you wouldn’t normally take to secure a job opportunity. Don’t immediately decline contract work, think about it as a stepping stone or an opportunity to get involved now and set you up for later!  

Do your research during your job search

Read up on industry knowledge and know what’s going on in your field. Research companies you’re interested in, and continuously search the job market and look at your LinkedIn feed.  

Set goals for yourself during your job search

If you’re not getting traction in your job search, it might be easy for you to loose focus and give it the attention you need. Set realistic and specific goals for yourself each week, so that you can monitor your progress and stay on track.  

Prep for virtual interviews to help you navigate your job search

Be proactive and start prepping for virtual interviews in your free time. You never know when an opportunity will present itself, and you want to be as ready as possible for when it does!  

[RELEVANT: How to Prep for a Digital Interview

Stay positive

Having a positive mindset will drastically change the way you view the job search process. Don’t let the search get you down, think about it as a journey to your goals. Stay positive, no matter how many obstacles stand in your way!  

Bottom Line

You can do it! While it might not be easy to find a job during COVID, it’s not impossible. If you really put the time and effort towards finding a new opportunity, you will get there!  

[RELEVANT: Navigating a New Job: 30-60-90 Day Plan]

[RELEVANT: #MonSlay: If An Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build a Door]

[RELEVANT: How to Succeed in Switching Careers]