Photo of Smiling Woman in a Red Coat and Glasses Using a Laptop

How to Prep for a Digital Interview

Having a digital interview is daunting, especially when you’re talking to a camera and not a real person. A few years ago, I had my first HireVue interview. I remember being so nervous, especially because not many people I knew had done a digital interview before. I tried my best and ended up making it to final rounds!

For anyone else going through the same thing, here are some tips I would suggest to help you ace your digital interview!  

Before the Digital Interview:

1) Make sure your technology is good to go 

Mac Laptop on table with headphones and notebook

Ensure that your computer or laptop is plugged into the charger and that your microphone, speaker, and video are all working. This one sounds obvious, but a lot of times people don’t know their tech isn’t working!  I wouldn’t recommend using headphones, but if you have to use them, record yourself beforehand and make sure everything works. You don’t want to have your interview be your trial run. If your headphones, computer, or speakers fail you, there is literally no solve to your problem besides begging for a redo. Don’t be that person!  

2) Practice, practice, practice! 

  • Practice by talking to a wall! As weird as this sounds, it will give you the same effect as speaking to a computer camera. Answer questions out loud like you would in your real interview.
  • Use body language and expressions while saying your answers, just like you would in a real interview.  
  • Don’t forget to smile every now and then!
  • Time your responses so that you can see how long it takes for you to answer each question.
  • Focus on your speed and inflection. Make sure you’re not talking too quickly, and that your voice illustrates confidence and enthusiasm. 

3) Prepare your outfit ahead of time 

Girl in red shirt holding up two clothing items

Make sure you look professional and that you’re wearing an outfit you would have worn if you had an in-person interview. Don’t overdo it—just be yourself! 

During The Digital Interview

4) Practice with HireVue 

Professional woman looking down typing on keyboard for digital interview

When you get your login details, you’ll be able to practice beforehand. It will be the exact same structure as your real interviews—you’ll have 30 seconds to think about your answer, and then you’ll be able to record your answer. If you get done early, you can click “done” but make sure you’re speaking for enough time.  

5) Prepare for the unknown 

If a question comes up that you don’t know how to answer, don’t freak out. Take a deep breath in and try to pull from the knowledge you do have. If this were an in-person interview, you would have to say something…so do the same thing! Answer the question to the best of your ability without panicking. When answering questions you’re not 100% sure about, take time to think through your answer before you start speaking and speak slower!

6) Show your personality

As with practicing, you’re going to feel extremely weird interviewing with nobody, but pretend like the camera is a person. Look into the camera, smile when needed, be friendly, and show your personality. Although it’s awkward, recruiters will be going through a million videos and you have to make sure you stand out against those candidates. Not only do you need to show your personality, but you also need to have the same professionalism and poise that you would have in an in-person interview. 

If you still feel uncertain about taking the interview, here’s a step by step guide directly from HireVue on what to expect.

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Do you have any other tips for digital interviews? Comment below!