Close-up view of young female typing on laptop computer while working productively on her project

10 Ways to be More Productive

We have all had days at work where nothing was really accomplished. This can be caused by many reasons including technology, stress, conflicting priorities, and so much more. However, if you put your mind to it, you can find ways to minimize distractions, get your blood flowing, and be more productive.

What does being productive mean?

Being productive means being able to do a large amount of work in a smaller amount of time and being more efficient in the work that you do accomplish. When you’re productive, you’re able to check items off your list, prioritize your tasks, and reach your goals.

10 Ways to Be More Productive

1) Take frequent breaks

This might sound counter-intuitive, but it’s actually proven that if you take small but frequent breaks and get up and move around, you can give yourself more energy to continue working later. (Don’t believe me? Check out this article!)

If this is hard for you to do, set a timer as a reminder! It’s not only good for your mental health, but if you take the time to walk around and get some steps in, it’ll be good for your physical health as well!

2) Eat a healthy breakfast

Start your day right and eat something healthy for breakfast! If you don’t eat breakfast and work while you’re hungry, you might not be as focused or productive. Similarly, if you eat a sugary breakfast, you will probably feel tired and less capable of working mid-day. Prevent yourself from the crash by eating a healthy breakfast!

3) Set your goals the night before

Setting realistic goals the night before can help you stay on track the next day. You’ll wake up knowing exactly what you need to do and won’t waste time getting there. This might feel weird, but try to visualize you actually accomplish goals. Your mindset is everything!

If it helps to write things down, get a planner to set your goals!

4) Work when you are most alert

This is the key to success. Don’t force yourself to do your hardest tasks after you’ve already spent 5 hours staring at a computer screen and are burnt out. Find which time of the day you feel most alert, ambitious, and awake, and tackle your hardest items then!

5) Focus on one activity at a time

Multitasking typically doesn’t lead to amazing results. Spend time on one activity and focus your energy on it. If you have multiple high priority deliverables, spend an allotted amount of time on each, but just focus on one thing at a time before moving on to the next!  

6) Delegate as needed

Delegation is extremely useful in many situations. There are usually people that are willing to help, depending on the situation. Try and see if you can delegate some tasks that you have if it makes sense for others to do them

7) Eliminate distractions

When focusing on a task, try your best to minimize distractions on interruptions. Spend a solid amount of time working on your task without breaking focus. When it’s time to take a break, you can check your phone or talk with a friend, but when it’s time to work, hone in on what you’re doing. Rotating in cycles and being strategic with the work you accomplish will make you more productive!

8) Learn to say no

Sometimes saying no can be the best thing you do for yourself, especially if you have many competing priorities. Make sure to put yourself first when needed, and focus on the tasks you need to get done before moving on to new assignments or projects.

9) Drink water frequently

Studies show that water decreases dehydration and affects your brain capacity, which positively influences your performance! Try to drink water consistently throughout the day, even when you think you don’t need it. Surprisingly, this could help you work even harder.

Healthline recommends that you drink atleast 2 liters of water a day. You can make this easier by buying a motivating 1 Liter water bottle that tells you how much more you need to drink! You would only have to refill it once.

10) Work in a productive environment

The last thing you need is a messy desk and a cramped working space. Find an area that allows you to focus on what matters, work! Make sure the area around you allows you to be productive and lets you get into your zone.

Work from home tips:

If your space at home is preventing you from being productive, check out these desks for ideas!

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